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A member registered Mar 06, 2021

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it will be by the dinning area in 3 cilinders, to get to it you need the dentist tool that you will need to get from the art room. it will be a box at the bottom right of the entrance, (POV when entering). to get the 3 digit code you will need to look at the art pieces on the left side. the code will be on the top shelf of the art pieces. the code will be on the upper left hand corner of a art piece.

go to the art room  in first person, on the right side crouch and hit the space bar you will have to enter a code and the code can be found on the art portraits on the top shelf on the left side of the room

after your first night with her don't pick up the Key to her room, as long as you do that she will continue to follow you

after your first night with her dont pick up the Key to her room, as long as you do that she will continue to follow you

is it the game compete?